You Never Have to Walk the Road Alone With a Coach!

Our coaches are here to partner with you to develop a plan and strategies to manage every day life, future goals, and emotional regulation.

Often trying to navigate everyday tasks and responsibilities while also coping with mental health challenges leaves us feeling drained, overwhelmed, and defeated. Coaching gives you back the power to manage your everyday and discover the steps to reach your goals!

All Sessions Are Individualized to You!


Choose your package

Wellness Level
1 x Weekly Meeting with Coach

$399 Monthly
+ $150 One Time, Onboarding Intake Fee

    Tailored for those who have a strong foundation in their recovery journey and are looking for a weekly touchpoint to maintain accountability. It's ideal for busy young adults who are integrating back into work or education but still value the importance of support and want to ensure they remain committed to their recovery path.

    • Weekly 1:1 Meeting with Coach for Action Planning
    • Accountability and motivational check ins throughout the week
    • Unlimited Messaging with Coach
    • Identify and Prioritize Goals and Next Steps
    • Customized Skill Development
    • Professional treatment team support
    • Offered Year Round
Pathways Level
2 x Weekly Meeting With Coach

$699 Monthly
+ $150 One Time, Onboarding, Intake Fee

    Suited for individuals seeking to deepen their recovery experience and maintain accountability through bi-weekly meetings to actively use and refine the tools they've acquired in treatment and navigate challenges as they arise.

    • 2 Weekly 1:1 Meetings with Coach for Action Planning
    • Accountability and motivational check ins throughout the week
    • Unlimited Messaging with Coach
    • Identify and Prioritize Goals and Next Steps
    • Customized Skill Development
    • Professional treatment team support
    • Offered Year Round
Empower U Level
4 x Weekly Meeting With Coach

$899 Monthly
+ $150 One Time, Onboarding Intake Fee

    Designed for individuals in the early stages of their recovery who need a comprehensive support system to navigate daily challenges. This intensive program is best for those who can dedicate time to their recovery process, offering structure, skill development, and accountability to ensure the application of treatment tools in all aspects of life.

    • 4 Weekly 1:1 Meetings with Coach for action planning
    • Accountability and motivational check ins throughout the week
    • Unlimited Messaging with Coach
    • Identify and Prioritize Goals and Next Steps
    • Customized Skill Development
    • Professional treatment team support
    • Offered Year Round

Are You Ready to Live the Life You Choose?

Our Coaches Will Build a Customized Program That Works for You!

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