We Know Recovery and Resiliency Takes a Team

Our programs are designed to work with your counselor or therapist, not replace them.

While treatment focuses on your emotional struggles and symptoms, your coach will partner with you to focus on motivation, daily skills and challenges, future goals, and the action steps to get there.

A coach helps you in real time discover what you can do today to get where you want to be!

Nurturing Potential Since 2010 - Coaching Will Help Build Independence and Confidence!

Thrive Beyond Therapy

Individualized Support

Clients are encouraged to take active roles in their recovery journey, fostering a sense of accountability and resilience. We nurture clients into reaching their full potential as personally identified. This support is in real time and increases self awareness, safety, and confidence leading to transformative thoughts, beliefs, and forward progress.

All programs focus on the individual journey of integrating the tools and skills learned in treatment into daily life. We have several programs to choose from to make sure you are getting the right amount of support on your journey. All programs include unlimited text support and monthly collaboration with your professional team as needed.


Successfully used to coach thousands of clients since 2010 by published Author, Speaker, and Board Certified Coach, Michelle Raz.

Accountability is key in our program - we hold clients accountable to the action plans they create using positive psychology techniques.


In an increasingly complex world, our clients are struggling to find hands-on guidance from people trained to help them effectively. Our coaches are experienced life coaches with specialized training in executive function skill development. We work with therapists and treatment teams to develop skills, habits and routines to help you make a lasting change.


Results are tracked and measurable so you can follow the progress that’s made.

Client Monthly Progress Updates - that we can share with family or your team if you choose!


Every client's coaching plan is customized to meet their goals. ‘One size fits all’ DOES NOT WORK. That’s why coaches design an action plan around a client’s specific and unique abilities and challenges.

Pre-Registration Open Now!

We have just opened our coaching programs for Pre-Registration - we are here to help you build a solid foundation - whether you are completing IOP or are already on your outpatient journey. Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed? Coaching Can Help! These spots fill up quickly, but we make it simple to secure your spot now!


Executive Function Skills Can Be Impacted By:


Being Neurodivergent can lead to a diverse set of executive functioning challenges, including cognitive processing styles that may affect task execution, problem-solving, variability in focus and engagement levels, and struggling to organizing and prioritizing tasks, all of which can be obstacles in managing daily activities and achieving goals.


Anxiety can synergistically disrupt executive functioning by exacerbating difficulties in concentration and memory recall, heightening impulsivity and emotional dysregulation, and impairing the ability to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks efficiently due to overwhelming worry and inattention.


Depression can severely impair executive functioning by diminishing motivation and energy, complicating task initiation and completion, exacerbating difficulties in concentration and decision-making, and intensifying challenges in managing emotions and maintaining focus on goals.


Trauma has the power to physically change the neural pathways of the brain. Trauma impacts attention, processes needed for planning and organization, memory, and emotional regulation. This often makes even small, every day tasks overwhelming leading to feelings of powerlessness.

Weak Executive Function Skills Affect Decision Making, Coping, and Self Esteem. Our Individualized Program Helps You Focus on the Areas You Need.

Planning and Prioritizing

Overwhelm is a leading cause of shut down and relapse of symptoms. Coaches help guide clients through assessing workloads, breaking down tasks, and creating an action plan to get things completed while also having a plan for accountability.

Emotional Regulation

Regardless of the primary cause, Executive Function Challenges can make regulating emotions difficult. Coaches work individually with clients to create strategies for managing overwhelm, anxiety, and self defeating thoughts.


Managing time does not come naturally for many people. Coaches will work 1:1 with clients to create awareness and strategies for procrastination, time blindness, and formulating time estimates and schedules.


Organization is a key component of combating the overwhelm so many of our clients face. Coaches will work with you to identify and implement organizational strategies that are right for you not only for your materials and physical space, but also your thoughts and steps!

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